So, you've done all the intervals and training - the long
rides and the night rides. The time is approaching, the goal 24 hour race. Once the race starts,
how can you ensure that you will have the best and most successful race
possible under the conditions given? The answer is simple - a 24 Hour Race Plan.
Not a training plan - but a race plan. A template for the race, reducing the
stress, worry and possibility of things going wrong at 2:00 AM. A plan based on
your goals, designed to help you and your team achieve the most number of laps
possible. And this goes for more then just the mountain biking races - even
runners at the 24 hour races can benefit from having a solid plan
Thelen Coaching 24 Hour Race Plan Template - $20, payable via PayPal. Email for more information.
Thelen Coaching Custom 24 Hour Race Plan - Starting at $40 and up, payable via PayPal, depending on how detailed you want your custom plan to be. This plan includes two phone or email consultations so that the final plan reflects your needs and your goals. Email for more information and to initiate the process.
Thelen Coaching provides something no other coach does - the
years of experience in the pits at 24 hour races across the country. From a 24
Hour Solo National Championship to numerous duo podiums, I've proven that
having a solid race plan with consistent performance can beat faster riders
without a plan. Thelen Coaching now offers 24 Hour Racing Plans - ranging from
the basic template that you can fill out with your team to a fully custom plan designed
around your 24 hour race. The template comes with instructions and tips to help
you create your plan, but no assistance with developing the plan. Custom Plans
can be as simple as figuring out lap times and rider order to be the most competitive
team possible to as complex as food intake, sunrise and sunset times, how long
lights need to charge, and so on. It's up to you and your team which option
works best for you!
Thelen Coaching 24 Hour Race Plan Template - $20, payable via PayPal. Email for more information.
Thelen Coaching Custom 24 Hour Race Plan - Starting at $40 and up, payable via PayPal, depending on how detailed you want your custom plan to be. This plan includes two phone or email consultations so that the final plan reflects your needs and your goals. Email for more information and to initiate the process.
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